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Posts posted by seir

  1. Okay, I found the fix. First of all, that issue was visible only in Ultra mode. I found that turning to Retro mode shows websites as it should.

    I turned off AdBlock Plus and it fixed the issue. I also found that pages I've tried to run were whitelisted. When I turned ABP back again it was still okay so looks like restart did the fix.

  2. Hi, I had that error message for two days, most of the time opening Gmail ended with crash and sending crash report. Before that I had to click OK like 6 times in this urlDomain.empty() pop-up window.

    Reinstall was not fixing the error so I've downloaded beta and tried with turning off the AdBlock and Proxy as someone said. That worked, I've turned it back on and it's still working so... I still have no idea what actually fixed that bug.

    BTW it happend to me for the second time.