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Posts posted by SWFlash0

  1. Want to know my opinion on this?

    1. There shouldn't had been support for CSS in the AdHunter in the first place, even the name implies that it blocks advertisements, not enhances pages with your custom stylesheets. If you need that feature that badly, you can use Stylish extension, which, in my opinion, does this job much better

    2. If you're concerned about browser performance, you can disable ABP entirely, or only disable its EasyList subscribtion

    3. I do admit that concatenating the separated custom rules for all domains into one big list was a step in the wrong direction

    4. The updated ABP syntax is easier to use (for example you don't need to put asterisks before and after rules and || substitutes for "http(s)://(www.)", as well as file type filtering)

    Conclusion: I have a feeling everyone in this thread has a baby duck syndrome

  2. If you mean the new tab, all of the links were moved to a new page, look at the bottom.

    I don't really see any similarities between the new quick access and windows 8 start screen, in Maxthon the tiles are rounded and have shadows, windows 8 has all of the tiles very close together and has white icons above every title

  3. See this Chromium bug that was resolved this spring:


    Viewport units such as "vw" and "vh" can be used in CSS to set size of elements (width, height, border-width, etc), the same way px, em, and % do.

    calc() can be used with those values if you need to express a value that consists from the mix of those units. So if you need a width that is 30 pixels smaller than 50% of the container, you could just do "width: calc(50% - 30px);". Viewport values have their uses as well, for example "20vw" always evaluates to 20% of the width of the document (not container) and can be used even in height of an element. However, these values don't return anything when you try to use calc() on them in Maxthon. Other browsers indeed do support it and it's even shown in one of examples in the W3C specification

    You can test it here (check the red box in developer tools, it shows an error):


  4. This is another obscure issue of Maxthon. When Maxthon sees a character that is not in the selected font (the default I think is Arial, dont quote me on this) instead of outright displaying an empty box it tries to find a font that has this symbol, this is called font substitution. All is good up until this point. What you see in your example is some regular symbols together with combining unicode symbols "Combining low line" and "Combining overline". How does symbol combining work? Here's an example: "ẃ". I combined two symbols: the Latin small letter W and a Combining acute accent. That acute accent is actually a separate symbol and if you copy and paste it into a text editor and press backspace the acute accent disappears leaving you with only a letter "w". Now I'll try it with Latin capital letter W instead: "Ẃ". Notice how it's a little higher than it was before, here's the small W for comparison: "ẃẂ", the combining character adapts to the letter that stays before it (or sometimes after). Back to Maxthon, so we know how combining characters work, but why do they appear as boxes? Well obviously the font doesn't have these combining characters, but why doesn't it just use font substitution? Because that would be combining two fonts, and the combining characters can't adapt to the other font. Right, why other browsers display it correctly then? Because, surprise, they substitute the symbols beside the problem symbol as well so it doesn't break. So if one symbol in a word is not displaying properly in one font, and that symbol just happens to be a combining one, it would substitute the font for whole word. What I think Maxthon does is it substitutes the font for a single character and, because you can't put a combining symbol with no actual "non-combining" symbols around, it shows as an empty box.

  5. Why are you trying to draw an empty image, anyway? First of all you need an src, then you need to add an onload event for the image element, and only then draw it on canvas, you also don't have width and height in drawImage function, here's an example how it should look like:var canvas=document.createElement('canvas')

    var context=canvas.getContext('2d')

    var image=new Image







  6. Eh, wrote this just now. Make a new bookmark as paste this as a URL:javascript:a=document.createElement('a');a.href='https://mail.google.com/mail/?view=cm&fs=1&body='+encodeURIComponent(location.href);a.target='_blank';a.click()I don't know if it works though as I don't have a Gmail account so you'll have to test it yourself. Go to any page and it's supposed to open Gmail with current URL pasted into the message body when you click on the bookmark

  7. You can't block it with AdHunter becaue the popup script is in the HTML itself. There is a way to prevent it from happening through a greasemonkey script. Install this extension first:


    Then go to extension options, click on "New" button at the top and paste this:// ==UserScript==

    // @name TPB popup block

    // @include *://thepiratebay.*

    // @run-at document-start

    // @grant none

    // ==/UserScript==

    'use strict';

    var d=new Date()


    document.cookie='tpbpop='+escape('1|'+d.toGMTString())+';expires='+d.toGMTString()+';path=/'Then click on "Save & Close" button at the bottom

    You can also add this to AdHunter to block the other scripts:*



