Yes, I have email the issue to IDM.
No any feedback now.
I think the problem is MX. Because my PC instll firefox, Chrome, Maxthon 4 /3
The issue is only happening on MX4. and the problem is MX4's downloader (default download), and MX4 QuickAccess.
How can I say? the problem is IDM, I don't think so.
I have tried guess account on my PC MX4, the issue is same.
And download the files thru MX4 to automatic capture the download address.
The IDM is work well.
But as you know: If I press alt, the download permission be transfer to MX4's downloader.
Then, downloader be no any respond, just the downloader UI.
Also, the QuickAccess is same, during open the MX4, or see the QA after close all tabs.
The QA be no any response.
I need close MX task by Windows task manager to close all of MX PID.