• Accidentally set bookmarks accross top to be ALL bookmarks

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    I accidentally set the row of bookmars that are across the top of my screen (that show/hide when you hit Cntrl-B) to be my ENTIRE set of bookmarks.  I am on verion

    Now, I can't figure how to set it back to how it was.  Because the list is quite long, at the far right, there is a >> button, which opens a pop-down window that shows all of them in columns.

    Normally, to reset what folder is chosen to display across the top, you right-click on that bar, away from existing buttons. But now there is no place you can right-click to get that menu. I tried in the pop-down window with the bookmarks in columns, when I right click on a blank area, it does not give me that pop-up menu that used to offer me the chose of what folder to display there.

    I tried to use the "reset all settings" in the settings menu, but that had no effect on the problem.

    Any ideas?


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    I found a solution. By renaming that folder of favotires, Maxthon could not find it.  So, it defaulted to the parent directory of favorites.  The, I could right-click in a blank area of the favorites bar, and then select the directory I want for the favorites bar.



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    On 2016/10/10 at 9:21 PM, cadcoke5x said:

    I found a solution. By renaming that folder of favotires, Maxthon could not find it.  So, it defaulted to the parent directory of favorites.  The, I could right-click in a blank area of the favorites bar, and then select the directory I want for the favorites bar.




    Then how about we close this topic temporarily? if you have any other issue in future, please feel free to post another new thread. :)

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  • Pending = We are still working on this report.

    Solved = The issue has been fixed and the resolution will be available in the recent version.

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