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alexzhus last won the day on March 8

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  1. Everything is working. Windows 7.
  2. Hi! It has always been turned on since 2013. And suddenly it may not come up? Moreover, this only appeared on this version of the browser. This didn't happen before.
  3. So the problem is not permanent. Is there any reason?
  4. Today, when I started it for the first time, Maxton itself opened 2 tabs, which I opened 4 days ago, after which it successfully froze. Through Windows Task Manager, I terminated 3 Maxton processes from 9-11, after which the computer stopped responding. I had to restart Windows using the reset button. This is the second time that this version of Maxton behaves in an incomprehensible way; this did not happen in earlier versions.
  5. Hi! Today, after starting the system, the browser refused to start. You click on the shortcut and nothing happens. There is also nothing in system processes according to Maxton. I had to restart the browser installation.
  6. The bug in version is not fixed.
  7. Bug Searching for information copied to the clipboard by right-clicking on the new tab icon does not work. Return to
  8. Try to disable the items indicated on the screenshot and check. Helped me. chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-video-decode chrome://flags/#disable-accelerated-video-encode