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About Havock94

  • Birthday 04/27/1994

Havock94's Achievements


Freshman (1/10)



  1. I'm using the latest version but I have a custom user agent (needed otherwise I won't see the Youtube videos D:). I'll try to set it as default though. I use the portable version on my laptop, same result..
  2. Zugi replied at 2014-11-12 15:53 Try to delete cookies and clear cache. It sometimes solve these problems... Done it so many times!
  3. 7twenty replied at 2014-11-12 14:31 What's it like with other browsers on the same system? Chrome and IE (sigh) shows it perfectly.
  4. Update: Latest beta didn't fix the problem, still can't see styles in some pages!!
  5. Update: AdHunter is disabled, retro mode active, no proxy. On other browsers it works perfectly, it is definetely a Maxthon's problem
  6. Hi, I'm having an issue that is driving me mad. It looks like Maxthon isn't loading CSS or it's showing them incorrectly in some sites! Try to visit the PC Gamer homepage and check how Maxthon shows it to me: This happens on my desktop, my laptop, and even at my cousin's house where I installed Maxthon once to have my bookmarks synchronized. On my smartphone it looks alright though. Please tell me what I can do for it because it's driving me mad