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Freshman (1/10)



  1. Well, Maxthon does not treat "--explicitly-allowed-ports=" as a command flag. It tries to "google" the mentioned string instead as if told to open an address. Maybe there is some other syntax involved or config file?
  2. I have read the article, no need to quote, thank you. In case that Maxthon is unable to connect, I always have a Firefox as backup plan. But this is sad, I wish I could use Maxthon instead. The server is some kind of secure remote control panel. Ports are fixed due to port-forwarding firewall policies, also 443 port is occupied by other service. In Retro mode it is able to connect but some active elements are misaligned and/or non-functional. I will test these 'chrome' flags shortly and post the results.
  3. Hi! Recently I had to connect to a non-standard (non-443) port HTTPS webserver with Maxthon. It is not possible to change the inbound port on server. Upon entering: https://:, I got the following: "Error code 312 (net::ERR_UNSAFE_PORT)". A search yielded Now here comes the question, if Maxthon is based on a Webkit, will this solution work for us? Also, I would like to have these settings configurable in-browser (as I see these console-flags a clumsy anachronism). Please consider this improvement.
  4. Hmmm, you are right. But this icon is somewhy not shown on first load! You could see the attached image. It was made after full clean of cache and cookies. Sooo weird!
  5. Please advise, In IE 11 (and almost all others) one can see the 'LOCK' button in address bar, namely 'Security Report', which shows you site's certificate status. I can't find such button in Maxthon 4. If there is not, I'd like to know - WHY THE HELL it is not implemented?! Haven't you read about China's MitM attack on iCloud and such?! mode off>